It has been a long long long time i haven't written any notes,stuff,or anything la on a piece of paper..haha..pas spm da abis je memang berfoya2 sakan :D
this holidays have been such a meaningful,greatful for me..i've been dating a lot since ouh ade boyfrenn..x tpu la korg ;pp...tapi memang kene cari rght person..and thankfully i have one :)
ThT GUY ; Syahir Amir...8)))
ok,enough bout that laaaa...xnak cte pun pasal dye..bwekkk..hehe..ala kalau kteorg hang out pun mostly tgk movie and makan2 lor..of course la dye yg blanje kan ye dokk!

we've been dating..(oopss,bkanla dting kuar jalan2 je..hee) for like several times la..g mn ek?! mcm2 la..g pjaya kakak amal kawin,g shah alam..cume x pegi melancong satu malaysia plak..haizz...
kalau movie lak ;
- 13/12/2009 : princess and the frog
- 23/12/2009 : avatar
- 11/1/2010 : paranormal activity
- 11/1/2010 : old dogs
- 16/2/2010 : percy jackson and lightng thief
- 16/3/2010 : alice in wonderland
kteorg kuar tgk movie for about 5 times....hehe...he's a nice guy..seriouslyy..tapi bkanla ape ckp dun trust guy 100%..i agree...!!
okla babes,,gtg now..
p/s: i nak kasut,,sumone please blanje?!?!?!!!!

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