erm,,thnkfully to god that i passed my spm..but then,i didn't get straight A's..:(
- 5 A+, 2A, 2B+
mak and abh,i'm sorry coz i let you both down...even some of my frens which were lower than me still could get straight A's..sometimes i think,,maybe this was not my 'rezeki' after,i hope in future,,i can be succeed in life :))..THINK POSITIVE yaww ;pp
thanks again to syahir,amal,kheyun and to those who calmed me down when i was deeply guys were great and i love love love love love you..thanks again coz you were there 8)
even that i got 2 B's recently,but still my name was in the mrsm ranking for those who get gpp below 1.000..but no 1160 out of 1618...fuhhh jauhnyerrr =.=...but guys,,ade some of my frens even straight A's but still below than,i'm grateful cause i manage to knock them out..hee..bukanla ape tp bgga la weyhh i beat org yg dpt straight eventhough i takk :D *evilevil*
one more thng,i feel very2 sad thnking bout this saturday 27/3..jealous ouhh to those nnt dpt award..waaa..i want to be there with syahirrrrr..!!!not fairrrr
sometimes,i feel like i just want to give up and xnak smbg blaja and nak kawin cepat2,leh x?? ;p
syahir ckp mana boleh,,i cnt gve up now,my peluang cerah and bla bla bla..dye membebel ngan i tp i ske..that means he cares bout me kan kan??ckpla ye :) now i'm ok!! (hopefully smpi ble2)
**okla enough bout spm ; let bygone be bygone..ouh yeahh!!**
after i got my drvng licence recently,it almost 2 weeks now i haven't drve..=.=..loser je la weyh..haha!!!!i nak drve g melaka n seremban nak jumpe kawan2...syhr,,take me to somewhere only we know :)) ok ??duk umah lame2 bosan sbb mkn tido x wat keje except masakk..waaa...kalau gemok lg xtawla...sian kat syhr laa hee dye kurus je gf dye gemok plakkk
okie dokie,,nak out laa.
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