PhD Graduation :)

Daisypath Graduation tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 6, 2015


Hello assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah on the 1st of November 2015, I graduated in Masters of Science (Statistics) in UKM within a year. Truthfully, it was not an easy journey for me. 40 hours credit to be covered within 2 semesters including thesis writing and viva! What was I thinking?!? I thought that I couldn't make it but alhamdulillah I am so thankful to Allah, He makes my wish come true. HAHA enough about that I wanna skip that part cause I want to straight away talk about my convocation day!!!

Before masuk dewan :D

My parents with my sis in law

My Family (my younger bro n sis were not here) 

My best friends in UKM during masters. Thank you for coming guys! Your turn will come can't wait to see you both grad too hehe

We are statisticians. yes I am the youngest and I learned a lot from them. Jom buat phd sesama and convo lagi sekali for the next 3 years hehe 

With my best friend nazirah aka gg! I was so happy she came to my convo day all the way from Melaka. Love you!!

Happy me!! argh I need to lose some weight kikiki. 

So basically that's a wrap! hehe and Alhamdulillah right now I pursue my study in PhD in Satistics! yeah I like it and I want to learn a lot for these 3 years. Pray for me :D So that I can be a lecturer and become a Professor one day inshaAllah. Tata


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