PhD Graduation :)

Daisypath Graduation tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stop looking for perfect partners. Just find someone who know how lucky they are when they have you!

FUN FUN FUN today :D
ts,klcc..walaupun da pegi byk kali tpi suasana sgt different...
syhir :D

tengok ape dye bagi sayaa ; owl necklace & phone cover..serious x expect lgsg..eventhough tu bnde kecik or pape ke,sumpah sukeeee!!!!

tgok fon cover ni,ade nama saya la (gmbr x clear sgt) hehe...he seriously did it for me though..haha terharuuuu

just bought it with syhr..he choosed it for me..heee..gatal nye akuu ni -.-

Of all,thank you everyone..but,I'm really being thankful to Allah for giving his blessing :)
Bersyukur ngan rezeki yg diterima selama ini,and bersyukur kerana dipanjangkan umur :)


hannahalyaa said... sweet :')

Nik Sarah said...

heee thanks..hope long-lasting though :)

AmiraRosli said...

rndu dekat nik..;)

Nik Sarah said...

yay rindu jugak! sgt2!