PhD Graduation :)

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

wow wow wow

hey guys..gosh sumpah lame x update blog rase cam byk gile bnde nak cte ni..ok first,life in um is...*speechless kejap*.........ok definitely worth it and fun because of my frens gg,nisa & others..and well i hv new friends tooooooo...they're fun n happening duh..faten,zeti,naz & pun best jugak because xde biology tu..i hate it soo but com sci is way much much much better compared to bio..seriously n trust nak mampos..tapi tapi 2nd sem kene wat programming sndiri..uhuhu..dont know if i can handle it really need syhr at that time..*gatal kan*..yela dye kan pro computer ceh ceh..waaa..really misss my old frens...miss ag's time i wish i could turn back time..:((((..haiz...da2..continue..well,so far so good and mid term test is 3 weeks from now nned to struggle harder cuz im desperate to study abroad sumpah..yg laen sume da ade bright future and aku xnakla terkontang kanting plak harapkan mak bapak je..huhu..hmm..physic chemistry pun da masuk level susah :(..but well life have to go on..never gve up..there are so much to write about actually tapi mase da suntuk ni..x smpat la plak nak cte just cte overall je..haha..well i hv to go now..babai..:D

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