actually kua ni mmg x expect langsung la just appeared suddenly and we had such a great time..GREAT GREAT TIME!
at first chat kt fb on monday ;
fakh : Nik!!!! mn syhr?
me : err,dye tdo agy laaaa
fakh : ouh aku nak tgok ironman ngn akak aku,tp x smpi hatila sbb artu dye ckp nk tgok ngn aku
me : wokayy2,,aku kol dye jap
dah kol2 borak2 cakap2.............
me : fakh,syhr x kisah
fakh :erm ok tapi2 dye ckp nk dtg alamanda
me : so cmne?
fakh : haaaaa,,ko dtgla ngn syhr g alamanda jom2..
me : err,okay,,nnt pape kteorg cnfm!
and everythng had settled dah!,i pun invited amal along to join us,,dorg x kisah..hee
So,on wednesday tu,syhr and me met kt kl sntral tuh..tgh dok jalan2 nak g tmpt tiket erl tuh,,suddenly bertembung plak ngan alin and miji!..haaa,,kteorg like masing2 terkejut and x funny! ;D
then,da beli tiket sume,kteorg pun naikla tren,,smpi kat putrajaya sentral tuh around 12 la..kakak fakh amik kteorg pegi alamanda ; then,we watched ironman 2,,best r!...after that,went to food court coz masing2 da lapar and prayed..amal pun join kteorg x lame pastu,,and we separated kejap..syhr with fakh and amal with me ;p
i bought a blouse..HAHA..and amal bought 2 shoes..hehe..after that g maen boling..for sure r fakhrul gempak..haha..then g maen arcade jap.
p/s ; fakh smpat hntr mesej "nnt len kali dtg r lagi..thnks to u and syhr..hee..and len kali fikir betol2 before nak ajak aku maen boling..muahahaha =p jk jk "....haishh
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