hey evryone,,im bored to death,,haha..ym,fb,ms,youtube..everyday the same thng goes on and on..
now im not currently at home tapi sleepover kat my nenek's house..haha best2 dpt on9 la gak so xdela bosan sgt and nk tgok tv pun boleh..DGN SYARAT ; tolong nenek kemas rumah,masak,basuh pinggan sume...haha cam agak x suke ye coz memenatkann ;p
one more thing yg best sbb dpt makan nasi lemak for breakfast :D..lame x lahap nasi lemak..and atok baik sgt tiap kali dtg umah msti kasi $$$..:))..sgt suke nnt leh jln2 XD
im going back on tuesday haha..cnt wait to go backk sbb nnt nak kua plakk with Mr.You-Know-Who =)
gtg now,nenek da pgl da tuu~~
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