Thx amal for the wonderful day..sumpa ak stay lama gle uma ko and bapak best nak mampos :))))u know wat? u're the best bestie that i had ouhh,,sumpa ak syg nak mampos ko...u're the only one that knows the real me..and of course syahir tooo :DD (cehh,sempat lagi nak gatal2 ni)..;p..who cares kan kan kan???heee...:)
I arrived at amal's before 2 o'clock,,the reason sbb lost..yela kan,br frst time masuk area umah dye and what do u expect?susah ouh tp luckily ade gps..haha..kalau x, smpi esok2 xkan smpi la weyh..da smpi tu mestila peluk2 dye cium2 dye..haha..singgah umah dye jap then went to her bro's house...kakak ipar dye n abg dye baek nak gle dorg happy gle awww :)..suke tengok ske tengok..hehe..kakak amal cm agak garang hehe tp sweet gak ngan abg ipar dye...SERIOUSLY,,siblings amal sume happy with their marriage ouhh...heeeee nak jugak cmtu ;p
Then,stat2 tu recite doa sume,,pastu ape lagi....MAKAN!!! wahhhh,sumpa sedap gle makanan masak sendiri tuh xde catering2 nihh..i makan nasi,ayam goreng yg sedap gle,smbal udang and ade masak lemak nihh..sedap sedap sedap....pastu ble ade tetamu da balik tuhh,i makan lagi ngan amal..lantakla pe org nak ckp janji i mkn sedap2 x rugi pun wee~
then petang tuh g uma amal balik,pastu lepak2 bilik dye..girls stuff la kann blik dye ade tv sume and yg penting ade katil tu best tuhh..baring n baring then kteorg borak2..story2 cm x ingat dunia,,luahkan sume kat dye and dgr2 lagu...yg best tgkp2 gmba tuhh :D
After that sume,borak borak borak gosip sume,da kul 9 lebih bro dtg amik (he got lost again =.=)...sian dye..HAHA..i pun balik,,time nak balik tuh plg sedihhhh..peluk dye erat2 xnak lepaskan dye..sobs sobs
p/s :
i miss my frens too...:(((
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